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Khase ea tlhaho historing ea theko a 1976

Ditheko histori ea Khase ea tlhaho a 1976. ditjeho tsa ho 1 MMBTU (limilione tse 1 of diyuniti British mogote = 27,93 cub. limithara tse) ya khase ea tlhaho ke matsatsi.

Khase ea tlhaho theko chate bakeng Europe 1976

Khase ea tlhaho historing ea theko a 1976

Theko ea Khase ea tlhaho a 1976

Letsatsi Liranta ka Btu Million
December 1976 1.735113
November 1976 1.735113
October 1976 1.735113
September 1976 1.735113
August 1976 1.735113
July 1976 1.735113
June 1976 1.735113
E se eka 1976 1.735113
April 1976 1.735113
March 1976 1.735113
February 1976 1.735113
January 1976 1.735113
   Brent theko oli a sa jese litheohelang phele kajeno
   Historing ea WTI oli theko oli theko chate ho tloha ka 1983
   Theko koporo hist
   Aluminium theko hist